The computational as well as partial physical performances of our MOM3-based OGCM loosely optimized for the Earth Simulator were briefly presented here. A major achievement of the present work was to demonstrate a superior computational ability of the Earth Simulator in performing a time consuming eddy-resolving simulation on the (near) global domain. A fifty-years-long integration was completed for the first time within a tolerable period of about two weeks and there is room for further improvement in computational performance. We can say that the overall feature of simulated fields is pretty good in the sense that the anticipated improvements associated with eddy activities are actually reproduced in our simulation together with a fine frontal structure we referred to in the section above.
As was mentioned in the introduction, the outcome presented here is the result of the first test simulation for which further parameter tunings and implementation of advanced computational schemes are to be planned. It is fair to say that quite a few detailed water mass characteristics we looked into are not well simulated due possibly to the compound misrepresentations arising from the inadequate modeling of sub-grid scale processes and highly problematical forcings we employed in our simulations. Those detailed water mass properties are influenced considerably by mixing processes occurring at unresolved small scale and are difficult to reproduce well by OGCM simulations. The main target of the second run is to evaluate the sensitivity of the parameterized mixing processes on model parameters together with the different forms of boundary forcings in order to improve gross features of surface mixing/boundary layers as well as water mass properties as much as possible within the frame work of our model dynamics.
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