日本財団 図書館

Session X. Contemplating leadership training within the context of the SYLFF Program
As noted in the preface to the questionnaire related to Session I, the SYLFF Program focuses on supporting not only the "best and brightest" graduate students but also those with leadership potential.
(23)Is there a need to provide "leadership training" opportunities for graduated and/or currently enrolled SYLFF fellows?
YES: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 35, 28, 31, 39, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65
NO: 2, 5, 6, 8, 13, 19, 24, 27, 30, 32, 37, 40, 42, 55, 56, 57,
5: not for the Conservatoire, but a worthwhile idea for the SYLFF network
38: Could be offered to current fellows but only on an optional basis. Distributing leadership training material might be a good idea.
12: Leadership training courses and extra-curricular activities already abundant; however, SYLFF-sponsored international seminars/workshops would be welcome. Another approach would be to identify course modules or shorter programs at SYLFF institutions focusing on leadership/conflict resolution and peace building/intercultural communication, and to provide grants to SYLFF fellows to attend these courses. (refer to: http://www.uio.no/iss/)
23: The idea of leadership training needs further clarification; in the US, the leadership training programs that business schools provide for returning corporate executives are under something of a cloud because of the very serious corporate governance scandals.
29: As leadership is culture-bound to a considerable degree, the idea of leadership training requires further clarification.
(24a)Should the target be graduated SYLFF fellows or currently enrolled SYLFF fellows and why?
CURRENT FELLOWS: 3, 7, 16, 35, 39, 43, 45, 46, 48, 50, 59, 64, 65
- current fellows more accessible: 7, 45, 48
- more practical: 59
- such a training is more pertinent to current fellows: 35, 46
- possibly extend it to graduated fellows depending on the conditions: 16
- combining this kind of training with academic work would be more efficient 65
- fellows might benefit more of such a program after a few years of working experience: 9
BOTH CURRENT AND GRADUATED FELLOWS: 1, 4, 10, 17, 22, 25, 28, 51, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62
- but maybe start with current fellows for practical reasons; 1
- both groups would benefit from such a training: 10, 17, 28
- this would increase the current fellow-graduated fellow interaction: 22
- a significant, value-added opportunity for graduate students, particularly given the mix of cultures/countries: 25
- but with an emphasis on current fellows: 54
(24b)What kind of "leadership training" is desirable, e.g., workshop? How long should the "leadership training" program/activity be, e.g., 2 weeks?
Workshops: 7, 10, 22, 25, 28, 39, 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54. 58, 59, 60, 61
Training sessions: 17
Teleconferences or other web-based media: 28
Have fellows organize/moderate a forum: 48
Action-oriented activity: 48
Internship or other activity that requires active involvement: 51
Do not know: 3, 4
Depends on the objectives, background, and current activity of the fellows and of the foundation: 9
Less than 1 week (with follow-up workshops): 17, 54, 64
1-week: 7, 22, 25, 46, 47, 48, 59, 61
10 days: 10, 22, 59
2-week: 22, 25, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 58, 60, 64
3 weeks: 47, 50, 58
4 weeks: 50, 58
3 months: 51
What components would be essential to a "leadership training" program/activity? Can you suggest any existing programs/activity?
1: (a)An opportunity/instrument for setf-assessment; (b)full (360 degree) evaluation prior to the workshop (such as through questionnaires)
7: The role of leaders in a changing society; qualities as a leader, case studies of problems and issues and how leaders could deal with them; motivating techniques.
10: Training "by example."
16: (a)International in nature; (b)communication and technical skills development; (c)"institutional" knowledge development, with a focus on intercultural interfacing and country-specific legal regulations.
17: Leadership training from another country's perspective
22: Have an international human resources training institute organize the workshops.
28: The training should occur over the course of the academic year, but it should be delivered in carefully focused modules; if face-to-face via video conferences, 2-3 day modules delivered over 5-6 hours per day, with out-of-class (workshop) assignments requiring small group participation.
31: Intra- and inter-regional programs dealing with common objectives, and drawing from the diversity of the SYLFF network.
35: A multi-faceted approach to group-based activity, preferably during summer break periods.
39: Program didactically designed as a learning process to promote a vision of leadership as authorship (auctoritas) on a personal level, where existential involvement, intellectual journey, and ethical commitment represent the original springs of any other learning of leadership qualities and skills.
43: Draw on the model of the Salzburg Seminar.
46: Content of the training should be developed by experts in leadership and tailored to fellows' needs.
54: Training should involve scenario analyses, and should include: leading by example, fairness, integrity, positive assertiveness, explicit recognition or others' contributions, managements styles, and leaders among leaders.
58: Training should include: psychological training, new media, communication technology; each workshop should have a determined, up-to-date topic.
59: Role-playing exercises, study and discussion of carefully chosen examples of leaders in diverse fields.
60: Communication skills, Managing relationships in workplace, managing priorities, decision making, risk taking, strategic planning and development (setting goals), creative problem solving skills
61: Workshops should be based on group work which is to be planned before the workshop; preparations should be conducted by participants over the Web.
64: At some Schools at the University, general concept of leadership and workshops are already a part of the curriculum.
65: The Steering Committee will consider Franklin Covey Leadership Workshops.
Other comments:
1: An institution that has excellent results in leadership training is the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
(25)Why does your SYLFF Steering Committee believe that a "leadership training" program/activity is not necessary?
2: Leadership training courses already offered by the University programs for SYLFF fellows only would be too expensive.
5: Not clear how leadership training can be effectively integrated into the musicians' training.
6: Success of such a training doubtful.
8: Classes with leadership components already offered by the Institute; however, it is not up to the Institute to reject this opportunity on behalf of the SYLFF fellows, current and graduated.
13: Leadership is a personal, rather than art acquired trait.
18: Might change the stance depending on how the training is conceived.
19: Leadership is difficult to teach; the best way to develop leadership skills is natural leaders is to give them opportunities in real life, which is exactly what current SYLFF program is providing; interaction with other SYLFF fellows should be encouraged.
24: Students at the University have already demonstrated leadership skills; also, this kind of training would attract minimal interest, as the demanding course requirements do not leave students with sufficient leeway for activities not related to their studies.
27, 30: Leaders in will quickly be recognized within their fields, and it is the real life experiences and their chosen fields where they should develop their leadership skills.
32: Leadership training is necessary, which is why the University offers a multidisciplinary leadership studies program, which is open to all students, including SYLFF fellows; however, an international workshop might be a good idea.
37: Fellows already have other opportunities for leadership training
40: Leadership is not something that can be learned in classroom.
42: Leadership is too broad a concept and such training might not necessarily be useful. Also, the issue of leadership should not unnecessarily be formalized.
55: Leadership training per se is not necessary, but other forms of support for fellows might be desirable.
56; Leadership is an obscure term and it would be difficult to adjust such training to the personal needs of participants.
57: As the fellows need to demonstrate specialized leadership skills in their careers, general leadership training would not fit their needs. However, some aspects of leadership training might be useful, such as: structuring and organizing institutions, moderation, conflict management, management of programs and projects.
