日本財団 図書館

 Discussion topics:
Buying power of revolving drug funds
Pricing mechanism and policy
Action Plans
Buying Power of RDFs
I. Increase health investment
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Long-term plan for health investment (NHP) Increased budget allocation for essential drugs MOFR, MOH, MONPED Jan. -Mar. 1997 % GDP allocated to health sector; per capita health expenditure; % government health budget allocated to drugs
2. National advocacy for political commitment $2,500 MOH, MOF, NHC Mar. -May 1997 National intersectoral workshop
3. Exemption policies for essential drugs   MOH, MOFR, MONPED Mar. -May 1997 National intersectoral workshop
4. Earmark taxes to be used for essential drugs   MOH, MOFR, MONPED Mar. -May 1997 Increase budget allotment for essential drugs
II. Reduce wastage and loss
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Supervision on handling storage and distribution $500 per township for transport, facilities for proper storage, training on systematic drug management, and training materials) MOH, DOH, MOT, donor agencies Apr. -Dec. 1997 Stock inventory
2. Systematic quantification of drugs by township/RHC/RHSC level June-Aug. 1997  
3. Instruction guidelines for procurement June 1997 Performance checklist (scoring system)
4. Review and revise standard treatment guidelines June 1997 Revisions on guidelines
III. Strengthen financial management
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Develop regulations, guidelines and training modules on drug inventory and accounting; adapt to level and local conditions $100 per township for training manuals MOH, donor agencies Jul. 1997 Checklist according to manuals and instructions
2. Establish proper accounting system $15,000 for consultant MOH, donor agencies Jul. -Oct. 1997  
IV. Enhance community awareness about RDF access; improve affordability to increase proper use
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Conduct advocacy meetings for local authorities $200 per township MOH, donor agencies Oct. -Dec. 1997 Utilization rate of funds received
2. Develop IEC materials, posters and pamphlets for community level $150 per township MOH, donor, MOI    
3. Organize mass media coverage (i.e. videos) $5,000 MOH, donor agencies    
V. Timely and effective monitoring of above activities
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
    $150 per township for transport, stationary; operation and maintenance Multisectoral task force Oct. -Dec. 1997 Checklist
Decentralization of RDFs
(to the township level only)
I. Attain commitment to decentralize use of RDFs
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Attain political commitment from National Health Committee     1997 (as early as possible)  
2. Conduct advocacy meeting for township authorities and GPs $250 per township MOH, donors Apr. -May 1997 Number of meetings held
3. Develop guidelines on use of funds, procurement procedures and accounting $200 per township MOH, MOF, donors Apr. -June 1997 Manuals and guidelines developed
4. Training at local level for township health staff, treasurers and committee members on above topics $150 per township MOH, donors Jul. -Oct. 1997 Numbers of sessions and trainees at different levels
II. Decentralize stage by stage the procurement of most widely used drugs (overall responsibility to township committees; to be completed by Oct. 1997)
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Develop list of drugs that can be procured at the township level Stationary DOH, township 4rth quarter 1997 List of procured drugs
2. Negotiate with drug firms (pricing and quality assurance)   MOH 2nd quarter 1997  
3. Discuss availability of essential drugs with local drug dealers $200 per township (meeting expenses) Township 4rth quarter 1997  
4. Encourage local production of essential drugs   MOH, MOI, donors 4rth quarter 1997  
