日本財団 図書館

 Discussion topics:
Legal status of RDFs
Accounting and financing at the community level
Action Plans
I. Define legal status of RDFs
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Conduct workshop to define legal status of RDFs with participation of concerned agencies and communities, and with reference to reports and recommendations adopted $5,000 MOHSW Jan.-Mar. 1997 Legal status defined
2. Develop plan for implementation of legal status        
3. Develop and approve performance indicators and evaluation methods $3,000 MOH Mar. 1997 Judgment, criteria, set-up
4. Train community representatives in six aimags $24,000 MOH, aimag administrators Apr. 1997 More capable officers ready
5. Inform communities through advocacy meetings, discussions, use of mass media $25,000 MOH, local communities Apr. -Dec. 1997 Psychological acceptance and preparedness
6. Disseminate information, including performance indicators        
Total US$57,000
II. RDF accounting and financial management
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Implement already developed system (forms)       RDFs using system
2. Review and revision of BIAS in sums $7,000 MOH, Mongolem-impex June-July 1997  
3. Develop, print, disseminate handbook and information materials $30,000 MOH, Mongolem-impex Aug. -Sept. 1997 Training materials ready
4. Conduct training in twelve sums $16,000 MOH, aimags Sept. 1997 All RDF officers trained
5. Conduct supervisory visits $3,000 MOH Mar. -Oct. 1997  
Total US$56,000
III. Link health insurance to RDFs
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Review existing situation of health insurance in regard to RDFs   MOH Jan. 1997 Justification and readiness for changes
2. Prepare report with detailed information and proposals; submit report to government (hospital receivable, essential drugs prescribed by bags, doctor to outpatient service, etc. should be covered by health insurance)   MOH Jan. 1997  
3. Adopt amendments to health insurance     Jan. -Mar. 1997 Basis laid for easy handling of RDFs; RDFs ready
4. Implement and review        
IV. Improve community awareness
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Develop and print training and information materials $40,000 MOH, Mongolem-impex June-Aug. 1997 Handbooks and materials ready for referrals
2. Train communities and health volunteers in community participation, including such topics as: RDF operations and procedures, health education, rational/proper use of drugs, etc. $10,000 MOH, aimags, local governments Sept. 1997 Knowledgeable people trained
3. Disseminate information: conduct $17,000 MOH, aimags, sum authorities Through Oct. 1997 Community members, high officials made aware
4. Provide assistance and support $137,000 MOH, UNICEF Aug. 1997 Capacity improved
Total cost US$137,000
Total program cost for 1997 US$250,000
