The Ship & Ocean Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization that promotes the research and development of ocean and ship related activities. Our contributions to marine society are made possible by the generous financial support of the Nippon Foundation, through the proceeds of motorboat racing here in Japan. In particular, with a view towards protecting the earth's environment and promoting harmony between ocean and mankind, in recent times our foundation has been concentrating its efforts into the operation of an "Ocean Policy Think Tank". It is our mission in this project to define the issues and problem areas in the ocean environment, seek the means to resolve them and maintain the best possible marine environment for our coming generations.
Sponsored by the Science Council of Japan, the Palaeontological Society of Japan and the Association for Quaternary Research, I am very happy that this 7th International Conference on Paleoceanography has been able to make its way to Japan and furthermore the beautiful city of Sapporo. It is indeed a great honor for both Japan and Sapporo City, because this is the first time that this prestigious conference has been held in Asia, after so many successful conventions in Europe and the United States. Through the many presentations and announcements made throughout the course of this conference, I am without doubt that this occasion will make a huge contribution to the resolution of the many secrets that still lie in the ocean and remain unknown to mankind.
Amongst the earth's call's for help in this era that threatens of global warming, it is our foundation's wish to make some kind of cooperative contribution to assist in the understanding of the oceans present condition and its role in the earth environment, in order to both improve and preserve the natural environment on our planet.
Therefore, it is with great pleasure that our foundation accepted the opportunity to hold a public lecture during this distinguished international conference, which concentrates so closely on the importance of our ocean resources. For this session, titled appropriately as a public lecture on "Ocean and Earth Environments", we have invited the address and submission of papers from three internationally respected scholars in paleoceanography. I await in great anticipation of the specialist topics of these three gentlemen and I hope their stimulating lectures will not only be enjoyed, but will also be very meaningful to all who have taken the time to participate in this conference.
In closing, I would like to thank all the co-sponsors and supporting organizations of this public session and also pass my deepest gratitude onto all those involved in the organization of this magnificent international conference.
September 19, 2001
Masahiro Akiyama
Ship & Ocean Foundation