日本財団 図書館

COMMITTEE 11 January 2002
47th session ENGLISH ONLY
Agenda item 2  
Outcome of a study on Mechanical Treatment System
Submitted by Japan
Executive summary: This document introduces findings of effectiveness and availability on the improved Ballast Water Treatment System under developing in Japan, as one of the options for conducting ballast water treatment on board a ship, which should be crucial to implement the international legal instruments on ballast water management.
Action to be taken: Paragraph 5
Related documents: MEPC 47/2
1  This document is submitted in accordance with paragraph 46.5 of the Guidelines on the organization and method of work of the MSC and MEPC and their subsidiary bodies (MSC/Circ.931/MEPC/Circ.366) and provides comments and proposals to document MEPC 47/2 submitted by the Secretariat.
2  A special pipe system as mechanical treatment, which will be a simple device and equipped in ballast water piping on board a ship, has been developing in Japan. Aquatic organisms are killed, removed or rendered infertile when ballast water is running in this system, during discharge or uptake operations of ballast water. At MEPC 46, we reported a special pipe method as initial step. This document contains the outline of the improved special pipe system with advanced effectiveness and practical use to treat aquatic organisms.
The effectiveness and advantages of the improved special pipe system
3  The special pipe system is a method for treatment of aquatic organisms in ballast water on board a ship to drive them death by termination the cell or individual of aquatic organisms. As this system is simple mechanism, it has the advantage of availability in view of equipping on board a ship, operating it cost, effectiveness and others. We reported at MEPC 46 that one passage of natural sea water in the special pipe gave us effectiveness showing about 55% of phytoplankton and about 65% of planktonic Crustacean (zooplankton) in the water had been treated at outlet point of such pipe. The improved special pipe system introduced in this paper is more simple and efficient mechanism than the pipe reported at MEPC 46, and treatment mechanism of both pipes could be the same in principle. The improved special pipe system can terminate about 90% of planktonic Crustacean (zooplankton) in natural sea water by 60% of energy of the special pipe reported at MEPC 46 based on our experiment. We believe that treatment effectiveness of the improved special pipe system could give us good advancement of efficiency for other phyto/zoo planktons, as both pipes could be the same treatment mechanism in principle. We also have findings that higher current speed in the pipe can obtain higher treatment effectiveness under through our experiment.
Development of the mechanical treatment system as a ballast water treatment technology
4  We believe that mechanical treatment by using the special pipe is expected to be available and practical in future. We consider that such mechanical treatment technology may be developed, taking into account the standards for aquatic organisms treatment under discussing.
Action requested of the Committee
5  The Committee is invited to consider this information.
For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.
MEPC 47/INF. 18
