日本財団 図書館

 Maestro Lorin Maazel is one of world's most distinguished conductors. Appearing regularly at prestigious concert halls and opera houses around the world, he has conducted over 150 orchestras in more than 5,000 opera and concert performances in the last half-century.
 Maestro has served as Artistic Director of the Deutsche Oper Berlin(1965-1971), Music Director of the Cleveland Orchestra(1972-1982), General Manager of the Vienna State Opera(1982-1984), and Music Director of the Pittsburgh Symphony(1988-1996). He is currently Music Director of the elite Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra(through 2002)and will assume the post of Music Director of the New York Philharmonic beginning in the 2002 season. He has a close relationship with the Vienna Philharmonic and has directed the New Year's Concert from Vienna ten times.
 Maestro Maazel is also a highly respected composer and violin virtuoso. He enjoys orchestrating violin and piano works of 19th and 20th century masters and is interested in contributing to the repertoire of narrated texts with orchestras. The world premiere of his next work, an opera adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, is scheduled for 2005.
 Maestro is a second generation American, born to American parents in 1930 in Paris, France. He took his first violin and conducting lessons at the age of 5. He studied with Vladimir Bakaleinikoff and appeared publicly for the first time at age 8, conducting a university orchestra. Between ages 9 and 15, he conducted most of all the major American orchestras. He reappeared on the musical scene as a young Fulbright scholar at age 23, stepping in for an ailing conductor at the Massimo Bellini Theatre in Catania, Italy. He quickly established himself as a major artist, appearing at Bayreuth in 1960, with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1961 and in Salzburg in 1963.
 During the year 2000, a worldwide tour,“Maazel at Seventy,”was organized in celebration of the Maestro's 70th birthday with special concerts, events, and gala benefits in many major capitals of the world. This past summer, he celebrated his 100th appearance at the Salzburg Festival.
 世界のオーケストラを指揮する多忙なスケジュールの中、30回にも及ぶチャリティー・コンサートを世界自然保護基金、UNICEF(ユニセフ)、UNESCO(ユネスコ)、UNHCR(国連難民高等弁務官事務所)のために行なっている。70歳を迎えた昨年には、日本を含む世界各地で“Maazel at Seventy”というフェスティヴァルを開催した。
