日本財団 図書館


Fig. 4 Compaction curve for Copper Conc.



Fig. 5 Compaction curve for Iron Conc.



Fig. 6 Compaction curve for Galena



Fig. 7 Compaction curve for Nickel Slag


During the test for each sample containing highest moisture, drainage of water between the cylinder and the bottom plate was observed. Though the condition of drainage is not controlled in the test, the maximum degree of saturation can be referred to for evaluating its maximum value at shipment. The TML, the maximum moisture content and the maximum degree of saturation are given in Table 2. The TML for Nickel Slag could not be determined. because the maximum degree of saturation was less than 70 %.


Table 2 TML and max. moisture content



5.5 Penetration Test

Penetration Test described in Appendix D.1.2 of the BC Code was carried out. In the test, penetration bits are set on the specimen formed under the specified compaction condition and vertical vibration of 2g rms (g: gravity acceleration) is applied for six minutes. When a bit penetrated into the specimen equal to or more than 50 mm after the vibration, it is judged that liquefaction takes place. By conducting the test varying moisture content, FMP, i.e., the minimum moisture content at which liquefaction takes place, is searched and the TML is determined at 90 % of the FMP.




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