日本財団 図書館

(5) Assemble the whole apparatus and vacuum the air inside the apparatus;

(6) Supply water into the apparatus;

(7) Open the air in valve to equalize the pressure;

(8) Remove the extension collar and level the sample along brim of the mould by using straight edge;

(9) Measure the weight of the mould with the sample;

(10) Set the mould on a stand and drain water from the sample through the drain hole for thirty minutes;

(11) Measure the weight of the mould; and

(12) Measure the moisture content of the specimen.



Fig. 1 Apparatus for Liquefaction Potential Test


In step 4, the sample is compacted by dropping compaction hammer used for Proctor/Fagerberg Test. The number of layers is five and number of droppings of compaction hammer for each layer is 42, 42, 43, 43 and 43, to apply the same compactive effort, i.e., the compaction energy per unit volume, as that of Proctor/Fagerberg Test. The formulae for calculating various values are presented in Appendix 2.

Liquefaction potential of a material is evaluated based on the degree of saturation of the sample after drainage. It should be noted that degree of saturation depends on the condition of compaction, dimension of the specimen and condition of drainage. The degree of saturation after drainage, therefore, cannot be compared the values achieved by the other tests, directly.




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