日本財団 図書館

"6.9 Special provisions relating to tanks for the transport of solid substances (such as solid substances offered for transport in a liquefied state, powdery or granulated substances).

6.9.1 Tanks used for the transport of solid dangerous substances capable of flow should comply at least with the provisions for tanks in chapter 6.7 or 6.8. However, for certain solid dangerous substances, the required service equipment may be in accordance with and

6.9.2 Solid dangerous substances which may be transported in tanks

.1 The solid dangerous substances other than solid substances offered for transport in a liquefied state which may be transported in tanks are:

.1 solid dangerous substances for which a "T" code is indicated in column "13" of the Dangerous Goods List,

.2 solid dangerous substances for which transport in tanks is authorized by the competent authority; and

.3 solid dangerous substances which are suitable for transport in metal IBCs (see Dangerous Goods List).

.2 Solid substances which may be offered for transport in tanks in a liquefied state are:

.1 solid dangerous substances for which a "T" code is indicated in column "13" of the Dangerous Goods List,

.2 solid dangerous substances for which transport in tanks in a liquefied state is authorized by the competent authority; and

.3 solid dangerous substances in packing groups II and III in classes 6.1, 8 and 9, which have no subsidiary risk other than that of class 6.1 or 8, and which are suitable for transport in metal IBCs (see Dangerous Goods List).

6.9.3 Special provisions for tanks dedicated to the transport of solid substances other than solid substances offered for transport in a liquefied state and that do not liquefy during transport are as follows:

.1 The periodic hydraulic pressure tests for tanks used only in the dedicated transport of solid dangerous substances, other than toxic or corrosive substances, may be replaced by a suitable pressure test at 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure, subject to competent authority approval.

.2 Every bottom-discharge tank should be equipped with at least two serially mounted and mutually independent shut-off devices. An internal stop-valve is not required.

.3 The design of the tank and the choice of materials, fittings and service equipment should be suitable for, and compatible with, the substances to be transported.

.4 For powdered or granular substances of packing group II or III, a tank of minimum thickness of 5 mm as specified in may be used."


" The transport of certain solid dangerous goods is permitted in portable tanks as indicated in 6.9.2. Unless otherwise indicated in the Dangerous Goods List, portable tanks should at least satisfy:

- the criteria in instruction T1 as defined in, for solid substances other than those offered for trans port in a liquefied state,

- the criteria in instruction T4 and special provision TP2 for solid substances in packing group III offered for transport in a liquefied state,

- the criteria in instruction T7 and special provision TP2 for solid substances in packing group II offered for transport in a liquefied state."










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