第1部 発言内容
1. 報告要約(Summary)
「朝鮮半島の将来に日本が貢献できること ―米・日・朝鮮半島を勘案した日本の政策オプションとは―」
"What Japan can and should do in the changing strategic context on the Korean Peninsula?"
Since the historic summit meeting between two Korean leaders in June 2000, the Korean peninsula has been drawing a keen attention and interest from the international community. As the shifting strategic context of the peninsula and Northeast Asian region demands a fresh thinking, the Japanese government has often exposed some sense of obsession of being excluded from the diplomatic game.
Japan, however, should not underestimate of her diplomatic leverage over North Korea. Especially the Japanese economic influence could play a substantially positive role in driving North Korean system into a more market-oriented one. Other Western countries' yet warranted rush to North Korea would have only to wait for Japan's serious engagement with Pyongyang.