日本財団 図書館

Fellowships are awarded to transportation officials from Asian countries and Japan to enhance their perspectives.


。?ellowships to Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Officials (Formerly, Ministry of Transport)

This program provides two young officials with fellowships to pursue graduate study overseas for one year. In the year under review, two recipients studied in the United Kingdom. The two recipients learned about the realities of public administration overseas and introduced U.K. officials to Japan's public administration. The two officials supported in the previous year completed their programs of study. Despite their short stays abroad, they not only fulfilled their academic goals but also engaged in the exchange of information with other professionals.


Leaving Japan July 1999 and Returning September 2000

Fellowship Recipient: Hiroyuki Iwaki

Academic Program: University of London (U.K.), Queen

Mary and Westfield College

Master of Science in Public Policy

Total Fellowship: \6,000,000


Fellowship Recipient: Tetsundo Igarashi

Academic Program: University of London (U.K.), The London School of Economics and Political Science

Master of Science in Politics of the World Economy

Total Fellowship: \6,000,000


。?ellowships to Transport Officials from Developing Countries

Under this program two young transport administration officials from developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region are invited to Japan and provided with fellowships to obtain master's degrees at Japanese universities. During the fiscal year under review, a fellowship was granted to a young official from the Philippine Department of Tourism in her second year of master's degree study at the Graduate School of Policy Science at Saitama University. The young official researched transportation administration and policy while introducing transportation administration systems and policies of The Philippines. Not only was the fellowship recipient able to study transportation administration in Japan, but also had the opportunity to form relationships with her counterparts in Japan. The program was highly evaluated.


Arriving in Japan October 1998 and Leaving September 2000

Fellowship Recipient: Fevidal Ma. Teresa Umali

Academic Program: Saitama University

Master of Policy Science

Total Fellowship: \3,921,458


。?ransportation-Related Field Study

Seventeen students from governments in various Asian countries, studying at the Graduate School of Policy Science at Saitama University, visited the Tokyo Air Cargo Terminal on February 14, 2000. Three young administrative officials from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and a Foundation staff member accompanied the students. The visit was significant not only because it offered students a chance to view specialized technical facilities, but also provided an opportunity for exchanges on a range of transportation issues in the students' home countries and served to deepen mutual understanding.





