日本財団 図書館




Total awards for 26 JREX Program projects in 1999/2000: US$139,754

Printing costs, SYLFF Working Papers Nos. 13 and 14 (500 copies each): \913,180


No.13 "A Set of Recommendations for The Issuing of Municipal Bonds in Bulgaria," 2000; by Veneta Iiieva, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"; Valentin Chavdarov, Agency for Economic Cooperation and Development; Svetlana Parpova, Sofia Municipal Privatization Agency; Svilen Isaev, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"; and Ogniana Glavoussanova, United Nations Development Programme.

No.14 "Women's Land and Property Rights in Situations of Conflict and Reconstruction: A Case Study of The Rift Valley Province of Kenya," 2000; by Jeremiah Okoth Owiti, University of Nairobi; and Raymond Muisyo Kitevu, Africa Peace Forum.


。?isit Japan Program

The Visit Japan Program is designed to provide SYLFF Fellows with opportunities to conduct research and exchange activities in Japan. In the year under review, awards were offered to six out of seven applicants.


。?aula Murphy \437,830

A fellowship recipient from the Graduate Institute of International Studies at the University of Geneva enrolled in the Social and Political Science doctoral program at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Paula Murphy visited government agencies, foreign corporations and institutions of higher learning in Japan to substantiate her doctoral dissertation on the principles of negotiation. She gathered information through materials and interviews focusing on the process of U.S.-Japan negotiations on opening Japan's communications market.

。?im-Beng Phar \997,980

A doctoral candidate at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University in the United States, Kim-Beng Phar visited the Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS) and the National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA) to research the policy-making process in Japan while deepening his knowledge of policy think tanks in Japan.

。?uang-Ming Zhu \999,460

A SYLFF Fellow enrolled in the doctoral program in Comparative Politics and a researcher in the Research Center for Japan at Peking University, Guang-Ming Zhu visited the Institute of Developing Economies and institutions of higher learning to conduct interviews and gather materials for his doctoral dissertation which focuses on government reforms in Japan, especially the reforms undertaken by the Hashimoto Cabinet.

。?ulian K. Chapple \994,170

A fellowship recipient enrolled in the doctoral program of the School of Political Science and International Relations, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Julian K. Chapple visited central and regional government agencies to obtain information necessary to complete his doctoral dissertation, "The History, Theory, Practice and Outcomes of Internationalisation in Japan." His visits included the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR), Ministry of Home Affairs (now Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications), Ministry of Education (now Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Association of Nagano Prefecture for Promoting International Exchange, Nagasaki City Hall, and Osaka government offices.

。?ahendra Reddy \931,490

A lecturer at the Center for Development Studies, the School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific, Mahendra Reddy visited the Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands to present a research paper at a seminar, launch a joint research project on development issues, and discuss the progress of research exchange between the two universities.





