日本財団 図書館



The Tokyo Foundation aims to advance the national interests of Japan and promote world peace by contributing to the welfare of the human race and the development of a sound international society. We strive toward this goal through research activities aimed at creating ideas and through the dissemination of information, while fostering human resources with international awareness and creativity at the private level. From the perspective of global, regional and local diversity across national borders, the Foundation is making aggressive efforts to solve issues facing society, economics, government and other fields at the advent of the new millennium. During the fiscal year, we engaged in a variety of projects funded with development budgets in the Research Division, Scholarship Division and Public Relations Division, as well as with operations development expenses, to achieve these goals.


Research Division

In the Research Division, aggressive policy research is carried out like a think tank, where policy issues facing modern society are singled out and analyzed, and policies are formulated to tackle the problem. At the same time, the Division contributes to international knowledge by inviting and dispatching specialists, researching policy in joint international projects and forming a global "knowledge" network. Through these activities, we also foster the human capital necessary to carry out policy research.

The Division has built a network of research institutions, cultivated policy researchers, engaged in evaluation activities to improve the results of research activities, gathered and selected data according to research themes, created plans for research projects, and developed and selected researchers to implement the projects and specialists to engage in research exchange activities.


Scholarship Division

In the Scholarship Division, we administer fellowship programs to contribute to the development of leaders through support of graduate students in the social sciences and humanities as well as in the transportation and maritime fields from around the world. Awards for joint research and exchange activities are also available to fellowship recipients on an open competition basis. To strengthen the foundation for promoting the development of human capital, the Division also supports worldwide exchanges and training of university faculty and administrators associated with the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) network, including 61 universities and consortia in 40 countries, as well as with the World Maritime University (WMU).





