Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environmnt II
Sendai, Japan, October 9-12 2000, Paper Number 4152-42
Figure 3. Temperature and humidity profiles observed by a microwave profiler at Lindenberg, Germany during the passage of a cold, moist front on December 18, 19983.
Figure 4. Cloud liquid water profile observed by a radiometric profiler after the passage of a front shown in the previous figure. Cloud liquid water reached a maximum density of 0.7 g/m3 at 3km height at 19:20 UT. Above 2.5km height, the liquid water is supercooled.
Figure 5. Radiosonde (solid lines) and radiometric (dashed lines) profiles observed at Lindenberg, Germany on December 18, 1998, during the passage of a cold, moist front3. Observation times are shown in the key. Good agreement is seen between the radiosonde and radiometric profiles.