日本財団 図書館

A Study on Small Strain Shear Modulus of Undisturbed Soft Marine Clays

Dinesh R. Shiwakoti, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Masanori Tanaka and Osamu Mishima


A Portable Percussion Probe for In Situ Characterization of Marine Carbonate Sands and Other Sediments

M.J. Cruickshank, T.A. Shimabukuro and R.H. Knapp


Ultimate Capacities of Suction Caissons and Pile Elements for Deepwater Applications

William O. McCarron and Beena Sukumaran


Consolidation and Strength Properties of Calcareous Sediments from Kaneohe and Kailua Bays, Hawaii

Horst G. Brandes, Nandkumar H. Khadge and Devin D. Nakayama


Electrochemical Treatment of Polluted Soils

A.M.O. Mohamed


Evaluating Undrained Shear Strength Using the Vane Shear Apparatus

P.G. Watson, N. Suemasa and M.F. Randolph


Evaluation of the Liquefaction Potential of Calcareous Sand

B.T. Morioka and P.G. Nicholson


Size and Shape of Temper's Base in Dynamic Compaction of Loose Sands

T.W. Feng, K.H. Chen and Y.T. Su


Using Multi-Neural Network to Estimate the Screening Effect of Surface Waves by In-Filled Trenches

Sheng-Huoo Ni and Chang-Chi Hung




Soft Ground Improvement by Paper, Pack and Menard Drains

H.I. Chung, H.S. Jin and K.N. Jin


Self-Weight Consolidation Behaviour of Dredged Clay Improved by Plastic Board Drain

Ken-ichi Sato, Nobuo Yoshida and Tadaaki Nomura


Stability of Refuse Landfill Reinforced by Stone Columns

B.W. Shin, B.J. Lee, J.S. Yoon and W.S. Bae


Stability of Rubble Mounds on Soft Grounds Improved by Deep Soil Mixing Method

W.P. Hong and Y.S. Song


Properties and Applicability of Filling Material for Compaction Pile Method

Hideo Tsuboi, Kenji Harada, Minoru Yamamoto and Tamotsu Matsui


Dredged Sludge Treated by Cement: Mechanical Resistance, Porosity and Leaching Properties Analysis

D. Levacher, M. Boutouil and F. Rey




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