We have some agreement with the ISI, Institute of the Sultan Iskansha to formulate the strategic development plan for city plan but it has stopped on the way now because of the financial constrain.
So now I am going to discuss about the conclusion and recommendation. This is the population density of Yangon City. CBD is the more density area here compare with other township and the quality of the life of many people. Today, many cities in the world are plagued by serious land transport problems. In some cities, congestion has led to deteriorating environmental, social and economic conditions. With growing urbanization, more cities will find themselves facing the potentially crippling problems of traffic congestion. Traditional approaches to over come the problem have to be reexamined. New directions need to be set for an effective and sustainable land transport system for the future. Like many cities of the world, Yangon faces the challenges of an increasing and the corresponding growth in demand for morbility. Nowadays population of Yangon becomes round about 5 million which include floating population residing in Yangon on the basis of temporary permits. In year 2010, the population will be round about 6 million and commuter to CBD will be double than today. So if we are tackling to land transport problems we have two sides; one is the demand sector and one is the supply sector. Demand sectors will be increase day by day according to the population increase. So there is supply sectors if we can supply to the demand of the transportation. How far we can go? Can we supply buses according to the demand? So how much buses we can supply to them. We have many limitations in this sector.
We have a land limitation; we have a financial constraint so this is not the right way. So the problem increase the supply sectors. So one thing we have to do is such as in Singapore they cut the ownership of the motorcar they provide the public transportation system. So people rely on the public transportation system because of the comfort. They can use public transportation like their own car. The public transportation is more reliable more comfortable and more cheaper than the car. So we have to think mass transport system instead of the substituting buses. So the main solution is; we have to depend on the rail sectors, because they have a rail dedicated.
Now we are more rights of way and high capacities can move large numbers of people at high speeds comfortable and relatively little environmental impact. If we increase or we provide more buses there will be more emission in the city.
So now I am going to present about my recommendation for strategy. For short-term strategy; control of urban developments that become major traffic generator such as high rise commercial building within the congested area. We have an old experience when we removed the whole sale dealers from the CBD area to the Bayintnaung there is less congestion we have seen. Now in CBD area some schools has disturbed at the Main road which are situated on the Main road and the cars waiting for the school boys disturb the main transportation line. Another is now we have moved TTC School to the Hlaing College so there is less congestion on the Pyay Road.
This is the one example for the recommendation. Now another recommendation is relocation of the major traffic generator such as schools, institutes from the main traffic flow roads. Some schools are not only traffic generators but also disturb the traffic flow while waiting for the school children in their end of school time. Another recommendation is the monitoring of traffic volume on major urban roads and propose for the remedy options to reduce traffic congestion in peak hour, that means we don't have periodically traffic count and monitor for what is the solution for the short time.