日本財団 図書館

Here the vehicle count conducted by some of the YCDC staff last month. So you can see there. We are taking from 6 to 10 am. So I am going to discuss about the Traffic Growth and Volume while we are waiting for the computer. The number of vehicle registered in Yangon increase about 69% from 1991 to 2000. So that increased traffic will have two significant effects in the CBD area. Some road have a Traffic congestion and delays will increased steeply, demand for on-street parking will exceed available space, at current rate of growth, total volume increased in 10 years is 69% in total vehicles. As a result of this growth, traffic delays and congestion are encountered at some junctions in morning and evening peak hours. Yesterday when after I checking some of the facility in Hotel Nikko and going back to my office it took about 8 minutes to get to my office from Boaungkyaw Street. I have to wait nearly 5 minutes from Boaungkyaw to the Pansoden junction. There is a sign of congesting CBD area. So what happen when the congestion occur in the CBD area there are many disadvantage regarding with the environment.

When the traffic are delay it has to run the short distance to save more time. So there are more emission from the exhauster. So there will be more carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide emission into the air. It is the impact to the environment. In 1996, the amount of carbon dioxide emission was 337 million tons per year. From that amount 69.5 million tons from transportation sectors emit into the air. If the delay and congestion happen in the CBD area there will be more emission from the cars. So this is not only effect to the commuters but also effect to the environment too. Nowadays we have some encounters in some junction traffic jam such as Shwegondine, Hledan junction and Bahan round about. If we compare to the nabouring country but the traffic condition in nowadays is manageable and controllable. Time is on our side. If we don't do any plan for future the environment impact will be worse and worse day by day. So when we discuss with some people about the congestion and delay they said the city is still in tolerant condition but they are not looking for tomorrow. We are looking for the year 2010 and year 2020. So if we don't have a well plan to cut down this congestion and delay there will be unrecurable problem will happen. So if we do not have a well plan, the burden will be left for our new generation. This is some photo of traffic jam. We are allowed at the road side parking that lane is free lane to turn right, so this car is taking for parking so it make some traffic to wait for him. There is another disadvantage if we still allow road side parking we need to construct offside parking or we will restarted the road side parking in big hour. This is the another picture of taking the parking. So most of the cars are waiting for him. This is the traffic congestion in CBD area this is in Anawyahtar Road. This is the traffic congestion in Shwe Gon daing.

This is the traffic congestion in Hledan junction. So I am going to present Development of Public Transport and City Planning.


So city planning is a very important to solve the public transportation problem in Yangon City. We need to have a comprehensive and integrated City Planning. Nowadays we don't have any master plan to solve that kind of problem and other sectors. City planning is the preparation and the construction of plans, which may include urban facilities such as traffic problem, transportation system and project improvement of the urban facility and all in conformity with the City Planning Law. City Planning aims to use land effectively for the sound growth and orderly improvement of a City. Therefore it is a matter of urgency that an all encompassing Strategic Development Plan together with implementation action plan be formulated.




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