日本財団 図書館

・In conjunction with relevant public and private sector organisations, seek to establish a hydrodynamic Test facility in Western Australia.

・Facilitate industry access to R&D support arising from the new Federal Government industry policy.

・Work with the marine industry to review the extent and effectiveness of Information Technology utilisation and to develop strategies to optimise utilisation.


OBJECTIVE 13: Encourage foreign and interstate investment in the marine industries in WA


Foreign investment has the advantage of increasing the pool of available investment resources and encouraging technology transfer. More investment should be encouraged to advance the marine industry in WA.



・Continue to promote and attract foreign investment to Western Australia.

・Target interstate and overseas investors to invest in Western Australia through existing operations or new enterprises.

・Consider, in conjunction with industry, options for import substitution and assembly and manufacture in Western Australia.

・Provide funding for feasibility studies and assistance to establish new assembly and manufacturing infrastructure.


OBJECTIVE 14: Liaise with the federal government on marine policy issues


A number of policy issues require Commonwealth input・State-Commonwealth cooperation, particularly regarding Ocean policy will help raise the profile and concerns of the Western Australian marine industry.



・Liaise with DIST on the progress of the Oceans Policy development; and

・Following release of the Oceans Policy, work with the industry and other stakeholders to determine the implications for the Western Australian marine industry and develop an action plan update, as part of this strategy.




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