日本財団 図書館

The company's main engine manufacturing operation is at its Bergen facility on the western coast of Norway. Here, Rolls-Royce manufactures four stroke medium-speed engines for marine propulsion and power generation. Allen diesel engines were previously made in Bedford in the UK, and although engine design and repair and overhaul services will continue in the UK (in Bedford and Manchester) production has been transferred to Bergen. The factory can be found at the following address:



Engines - Bergen

P.O. Box 924




Tel: +47 55 53 60 00

Fax: +47 55 19 04 05

e-mail: engines.bergen@rolls-royce.com


As far as gas turbines are concerned, the Spey is currently manufactured at Ansty near Coventry in the UK, but production may be moved to Bristol in the UK. The 601 is produced in Indianapolis in the USA. The WR 21 is being designed in Derby in the UK and will probably be manufactured there. Similarly, the Eurodyn is being designed in Bergen and will likely be made there too. The production site for the 30MW engine under development is thought likely to be in Derby, given that it is a derivative of a Trent aero engine already made on the Derby site.


The company does make gas turbines in North America but currently these are solely for land-based applications, although there is always the possibility of this changing. The Group's gas turbine factory in Indianapolis in the USA is being closed and production transferred to a gas turbine plant in Montreal in Canada, sometime over the next 1-2 years.


More generally, Vickers had been evaluating manufacturing and other operations and Rolls-Royce is now conducting a review of these findings. This review will take into account changing patterns of shipbuilding such as the construction of more sophisticated vessels in yards in the Far East. An emerging theme is the establishment of centres of excellence for the design and management of certain products.


This process has been extended to determining which activities are core and which could be sub-contracted. Any additional outsourcing will also be considered in the context of capacity at existing sites being freed up and therefore made available for other uses.




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