日本財団 図書館

Prior to its acquisition by Vickers, Ulstein had invested heavily in new machinery for its engine factory in Bergen and at its nearby foundry, including a casting simulation software programme introduced in January 1999.


1.6 Market Development

Rolls-Royce traditionally supplied high value complex naval vessels in respect of which they recognised an increasing requirement for a systems approach. Rolls-Royce was motivated to buy Vickers because of the strength of its marine businesses which it recognised to be leaders in their respective fields. The combination of Rolls-Royce and Vickers' products is seen as advantageous in seeking to meet the changing needs of the sector and in enhancing future business opportunities. The purchase was said to have added a strong commercial marine business to the company's existing naval business. Furthermore, the ability of Rolls-Royce to offer fully integrated power systems across naval and commercial markets is believed by the company to open up significant opportunities.


The Group's aim is to develop a complete range of gas turbines for the commercial market. It recognises that gas turbines are not yet seen by many operators as a viable alternative to diesel engines. Nevertheless, Rolls-Royce believes that opportunities to supply gas turbines for commercial marine applications will grow.


The Naval and Commercial Divisions have sufficient financial and staff resources to carry out their own marketing activities. Nevertheless, to ensure that these resources are used as effectively as possible, a Steering Group has been formed to look at joint activities that support the interests of the Marine Division as a whole.




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