日本財団 図書館

2000 is reported to have been a good year for MTU in Japan, with a number of orders for its 595 engines. This included four 595 engines for use in two fast ferries (one a re-fit the other a new build), and additional 595 engines for use in up to 10 vessels being built for the Japanese coastguard.


1.5 Investment Policy

Most of the company's recent investments have been related to adjusting manufacturing capacity so as to implement planned increases in production of the 2000 and 4000 Series for commercial markets. To this end, total investment in 1999 was EUR 40 million (Yen 3,800 million).


Recently the company has invested heavily in Works2 at Friedrichshafen related to the machining of crank casings and the restructuring of assembly lines for new engines. This has not required any extension to factory space but involves a more efficient use of existing facilities.


1.6 Market Development

From producing marine engines the company has broadened its offering by becoming a supplier of complete propulsion and on-board power generation systems for all types of sea going and inland waterway vessels.


In 2000 the company announced it was undertaking its biggest ever review of its product range. The aim was to improve existing engines and introduce new models so as to be able to offer customers propulsion systems that are innovative, competitively priced, low in maintenance and fuel-efficient. This year has also seen the launch of the new 8000 Series engine, with a power output of 9,000kW, taking the company into a new power range and thereby opening up new market opportunities in the fields of large commercial and military vessels.


The company expects that its 2000 and 4000 Series will gradually take over from other Series as their most popular lines. In addition the company is continuing with its development work, in particular in respect of gas and in-line engines and the technologies of fuel cells and electrolysis (relating to the conduction of electricity).


MTU's target markets in Japan are the smaller shipyards making high speed vessels. Apart from some difficulties in respect of certification by classification societies and some bureaucratic problems, MTU regards Japan much like any other market and does not perceive it to be restrictive.




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