日本財団 図書館

1.2 Company Performance


DaimlerChrysler Group



Sales achieved by MTU/Diesel Engines Business Unit have been growing steadily over the past few years whilst employee numbers have been fairly stable. Profits have also risen.


MTU/Diesel Engines Business Unit



The high level of orders is made up largely of big orders received in respect of rail and military vehicle applications. Nevertheless, around half of sales in 1999, as in previous years, was accounted for by ships' propulsion systems. This in turn divides almost equally between commercial and naval vessels.


Exports account for two thirds (66.2 per cent) of total sales, rising to 80 per cent in respect of engines specifically. Germany remains the company's most important market. As far as broader market areas are concerned, the rest of Europe and Asia are equally important, remaining some way behind Germany but well ahead of all other markets.


By geographical area, sales break down as follows:






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