日本財団 図書館

。¬he EPA can give you a classification list of hazardous and industrial wastes.

。?f you have more than 200 kilograms of industrial or hazardous waste for transportation, use only a licensed waste transporter. Licensed transporters are required to carry their EPA licence in their vehicle; ask to see it. Keep all receipts for three years as evidence that you have disposed of your wastes properly.

。?iquid waste can generally be handled in one of four ways, depending on its classification and quantity:

1. It can sometimes be treated and discharged to the sewer. A trade waste permit must be obtained first (refer to information sheet 3, 'Water Quality Management').

2. At premises licensed by the EPA it can be treated and discharged in accordance with the provisions outlined in the EPA licence.

3. Under some circumstances it can be recycled on-site.


4. It can be removed by a licensed waste contractor for treatment and disposal at a licensed waste facility

。?ou must not tip liquid wastes such as oil or solvents into the sewer or stormwater drains, on the ground or into trenches.

。?tore any liquid wastes (e.g. sludge and scum from oil-water-solids separators) within a bunded area while awaiting collection by a licensed contractor


Further information


・Waste Service NSW, Tel: (02) 9934 7000

・Your Regional Waste Board, Tel: 1800 225 587

・Your local council

・EPA Pollution Line, Tel: 131 555

・Yellow Pages - look under 'Waste Reduction & Disposal Services'






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