日本財団 図書館


Profile of Performers






10歳より尺八を始める。山本邦山に師事。1997年東京芸術大学大学院音楽研究科修了。99年、東京紀尾井小ホールにて「藤原道山尺八演奏會」を開催、2000年、箏奏者みやざきみえことのユニット「East Current」を結成。現在、都山流尺八楽会師範。都山流邦山会、竹の会、日本三曲協会会員。胡弓の会「韻」同人。邦楽のみならずあらゆる音楽活動を模索展開中。


FUJIWARA Dozan (Shakuhachi)


He began to play Shakuhachi at ten. He studied under Yarnamoto Hazan. In 1997 he acquired a master's degree and was inaugurated as a part ume lecturer at his alma mater. In 1999 he held "Fujiwara Dozan Shakuhachi Concert" at Tokyo Kioi Hall, organized a unit "East Current" with Japanese harp player Mie Miyazaki in 2000. Now he is a master of Tsuyama Style Shakuhachi Music Association, and a member of Tsuyama Style Housan Association, Takenokai and Japan Sankyoku Association "In". He is a coterie of Fiddle Association. He is groping his musical activities in not only Japanese Music but also all kinds of music






Tokyo Sinfonietta


In 1994 some vigorous young soloists and some members of orchestra, located in Tokyo, played the leading role in founding Tokyo Sinfonietta. Their aim was to concern themselves with the excellent postwar music performance and with the creation of composers who were playing an active part. They positively introduce not only the latest European music, but also the new current of music in non-Western countries, mainly Asian contemporary music.





フルート 斉藤和志

オーボエ 辻功

オーボエ・イングリッシュホルン 南方総子

クラリネット 板倉康明、西澤春代、野口琢磨

ファゴット 多田逸左久

ホルン 有馬純晴

トランペット 坂井俊博

トロンボーン 西岡基樹、野々下興一

ヴァイオリン 城戸喜代、梅原真希子

ヴィオラ 藤村政芳

チェロ 花崎薫、高麗正史

コントラバス 那須野直裕

ピアノ 長尾洋史

パーカッション 松倉利之、石崎陽子

ソフフノ 新藤昌子

尺八 藤原道山

指揮 板倉康明


Flute: SAITO Kazushi

Oboe: TSUJI Isao

Oboe / English horn : NANPO Fusako

Clarinet: ITAKURA Yasuaki, NISHIZAWA Haruyo, NOGUCHI Takuma

Bassoon: TADA Isaku

Horn: ARIMA Sumiharu

Trumpet: SAKAI Toshihiro

Trombone: NISHIOKA Motoki

Violin: KIDO Kiyo, UMEHARA Makiko

Viola: FUJIMURA Masayoshi

Voloncello: HANAZAKI Kaoru, KORAI Masashi

Contrabass: NASUNO Naohiro

Piano: NAGAO Hiroshi

Percussion: MATSUKURA Toshiyuki, ISHIZAKI Yoko

Soprano: SHINDO Masako

Shakuhachi: FUJIWARA Dozan

Conductor: ITAKURA Yasuaki




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