Professor Anthony Paul Roskilly, BSc, PhD, CEng, FIMarE
Representative of the Institute of Marine Engineers,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Roskilly was employed in 1976 as a seagoing marine engineer and sponsored to complete his first degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Salford by P&O SN Company. After leaving P&O Cruises in 1985 he became a Research Associate at Salford University, funded by the MoD to investigate the control of robotic manipulators for underwater applications. He gained his PhD from the University of Lancaster conducting research into the development and design of control systems for robotic devices using parallel processing methods. He became a lecturer in Marine Engineering at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1990 and promoted to a Senior Lecturer in 1997.
In 1999 he was appointed to the Chair of Marine Engineering at Newcastle University and currently conducting research into: dynamic modelling and control of marine systems, application of Artificial Neural Networks to system identification, modelling and control; intelligent decision making and control using fuzzy logic methods; marine propulsion safety, environmental impact, efficiency and operation; electrical energy storage, generation utility and load management; air independent powering (AIP) systems, underwater hydraulic actuator system design.
Professor Roskilly is currently a Fellow of the Council, Chairman of the Technical Papers and Conferences Committee of the Institute of Marine Engineers, London.
講演者:Anthony Paul Roskilly 教授 略歴
Representative of the Institute of Marine Engineers,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Roskilly教授は1976年にP&O SN会社により、遠洋航海のマリンエンジニアとして雇用され、学資支援を受けてSalford大学において機械工学の学位を修了した。1985年にP&Oのマリンエンジニアの職を辞任した後、水中用ロボットマニピュレーターの制御の研究を行うため、MoDから資金の提供を受けて、Salford大学の研究員になった。並列処理法を用いた、ロボット装置用制御システムの開発と設計の研究を実施し、Lancaster大学からPhDを取得した。1990年にニューカッスル・アポン・タイン大学の舶用機関工学の講師になり。1997年には上級講師に昇任した。