日本財団 図書館



A New Technology for Semi-Permanent Use of Lubricating Oil and No Waste Oil in Marine Diesel Engines


Tadanori AZUMA *, Morio SUMIMOTO ** and lsao KIMURA ***



The authors have developed a new technology that enables it to use lubricating oil (LO) semi-permanently and reduces LO consumption. Also, the technology remarkably improves reliability of machines. The technology always keeps LO clean as the kidney of animals always keeps their blood clean. It is, therefore, called kidney system In the kidney system. there is no oil renewal forever and it is enough to supply only a small amount ot fresh oil sometimes to compensate for the lost oil. No waste oil is, therefore, generated in the kidney system. The system has been working well in about 1000 units of marine and cogeneration diesel engines and in many hydraulic machines almost without any machine troubles for many years. This paper reports about the principle and the results of practical use of the kidney system in marine diesel engines and some other fields.

Key Words; No Waste Oil, Semi-permanent Use of LO, Reduced LO Consumption, Higher Reliability.




At present, lubricating oil (LO) in engines is renewed with fresh oil after it is used for some period and the used oil is disposed of as waste oil.

The authors have developed a new technology that enables it to use LO semi-permanently, reduces LO consumption and remarkably improves reliability of machines, such as internal combustion engines, hydraulic machines etc. The technology always keeps LO clean as the kidney of animals always keeps their blood clean. The technology is, therefore, called kidney system. In the kidney system, there is no oil renewal forever and it is enough to supply only a small amount of fresh oil sometimes to compensate for the lost oil.

No waste oil is, therefore, generated in the kidney system.

The kidney system has been working well in about 1000 units of marine and cogeneration diesel engines, in hydraulic machines made by about 50 companies and so on for many years. The results of practical use of the kidney system are as follows. In diesel engines, LO consumption is reduced to 1/5 〜 1/10 in most engines and the engines are always kept clean because LO itself is always clean, which results in almost no troules for many years. This paper reports about, the principle and the results of practical use of the kidney system in marine diesel engines and some other fields.




2.1 Assumption and Purpose

The development of the new technology is based upon the following assumptions. (1) Deterioration of lubricating oil (LO) may be negligibly small under the ordinary running condition of engines because it has been under high presure and high temperature under the ground for more than some ten million years at least. (2) LO must be originally heat resisting because it is subjected to high temperature of 350 〜 570 ℃ through production process at oil refineries. (3)LO can be, therefore, used semi-permanently if it is kept clean by eliminating the deteriorated LO and the mixed impurities compensating for the small amount of the lost and the deteriorated oil as well as the lost additives.


* Teikyo University, Toyosato-dai 1-1, Utsunomiya City, 320-8551 Japan

** Sumimoto Scientific Institute, Konan-dai 1-4-13 Konan-ku, Yokohama City, 234-0054 Japan

***Kobe Office of Sumimoto Scientific Institute, Honmachi 1-5-15, Hyogo-ku, Kobe City 652-0834 Japan





