日本財団 図書館

An unsufficient investigation, obvious low efficiency factor, absence of industrial operation experience and of any serious publications are the lacks of the inertial mover.

The tentative estimation shows, that the efficiency of the inertial movers does not exceed 10 % and they can not widely compete, in particular, with a propeller. An analogy to generators of electrical energy however arises. The generators using a wind energy, were completely superseded by other more effective generators. Nevertheless with the passing of time, due to use of the newest technologies, they find the own area of application.

The "...research of an opportunity of an effective utilization....." is put in heading of this report. Such research was not carried out, and the absence of sufficient knowledge is not the basis for the asserts about the inertial mover application prospects. The author considers similar research useful and perspective, on the strength of an optimistic concept. Optimism is based on the fact that even one area of wide use already exists (area of entertainments). For the sure optimism it is enough only to assume, that the numerous entertaining vehicles having sufficient efficiency can be created. They can be used in numerous amusements, for cheerful competitions of children, adult, invalids, with participation of animals, on land and on water etc. The medical complexes for untraditional inspections of the patients and healthy people, diversified toys, including with use of computers, special simulators for regular using by the sportsmen and usual people, can be created. The creation of special vehicles for a slowly moving (tourist-ramble underwater devices which are not frightening sea animals and fishes, underwater tankers for special cargoes etc.) is possible.

Now there is no base for discussions on concrete technical problems, since there are no the certain theory, bases of engineer calculations, experience of design-technological development. Therefore the idea of practically using of inertial movers can safely be sent to the area of scientific fantasies. However the scientific intuition prompts, that these fantasies can have a good practical future.



Fig. 1 Traditional propulsive devices (Movers)



Fig. 2 Man as a mover of a vehicle





