日本財団 図書館


Fig. 10 The scheme of motion control complex


At approach it is necessary to combine control on errors with control on disturbances

The ASP and ekranoplane relative motion control system becomes closed after their approach to small distance when infra-red video short-range navigation system that gives the high precision estimation of matrix elements λASP - λEKR can operate. This allows to improve considerably the accuracy of control errors measurements and to decrease that errors with no substantial control laws structure replace. The ASP lateral deflections from ekranoplane will be again suppressed generally by ASP ailerons and rudder at stable heading and minimal yaw; flaps and rudder of ASP will provide the required motion altitude and pitch angle correction at the fixed altitude of ekranoplane but ekranoplane will be able to check and control the relative shifts in longitudinal plane by means of its speed control.

At the final stage of docking another additional relative control loop of mating element will be switched on. It is the open loop channel for control of local shift of the mating element. Operating simultaneously with control mechanisms mentioned above, it must process only high-frequency components of control signals increasing operating speed of entire system to signit ficantly decrease control errors corresponding to matrix elementsλASP(t) -λEKR(t) - λM(t).

Notice, that the most unfavourable external disturbance for a loop of lateral deflections depression would be a pulse rush of wind in a cross head direction. But even in this case the error will be acceptable due to the following reasons:

- high landing velocity of ASP will make this impulse short and its influence will be decreased:

- high landing velocity of ASP will increase the effectiveness of its aerodynamic control elements essentially;

- a pulse of wind will influence both ASP and ekranoplane that decrease their relative shift.

Objectively, the accuracy of ASP relative motion control at landing velocity of Mach 0.4-0.5 may be higher than one of ordinary plane motion control at landing on runway at half as much velocity.




The outcomes of described researches and experiments allow to make a general conclusion about technical feasibility of marine start and landing of reusable aerospace airplanes for injection the payload into low-altitude orbits on the basis of present and short-term planned level of shipbuilding and aerospace technologies.

The economic feasibility of creation of space vehicles launch system with the use of speed-up-receiving ekranoplane should be the following step in the estimation of prospects of WSL system with the comprehensive study of its ecological and other advantages and also attendant problems.




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