Another advantage of the standardization of the interfacing, is that it simplifies the hierarchical organization of the model and allows the calculation of power exchange between the subsystems.
Special attention was paid in the capability of the method to use common mathematical models for modeling the subsystems of the engine and ship, thus enabling the utilization of already existing models and data.
2.1 Interfaces Between Elements
Each group of elements introduces an interface for ex-changing data between the elements. An element owns one or more of these interfaces according to the type of the element and the mathematical model of it. Each interface type is divided in male and female one. A connection can be established only between a male and a female interface of the same type.
An interaction between elements is established only through these connections. The elements are connected to each other in order to form the system under investigation. The interfaces introduced are:
・ Mechanical interface
・ Thermofluid interface
・ Gas properties interface
・ Geometrical interface
・ Heat transfer interface
・ Ship interface