日本財団 図書館

3.2. E-mail system on LAN


The email system of the simulation model of the university's LAN is shown in Fig. 3. Every participant has a role and provided with one PC as well as their e-mail address. Usually the participants are divided into six groups include one or two teachers as the advisers. The advisers can read all dispatched and received mail within the group3).

Since LAN is connected to the database outside or inside the university, the participant can access the database for gaining the material easily.

During the participants are coping with the large-scale marine hazards in the imaginary experience, they will be able to configure the process and system of measures as well as enforcement, prevention system and laws. Moreover, they will also be able to determine the required machinery, hardware, logistic system of the prevent material. They are also directed to compare and consider the simulation that they have done with the present prevention system and regulation.

So far, three simulations have been delivered. The scenario of the first two exercises has simulated the incident of the ship N. The total number of mails in a week period exercise was about 850 mails. The scenario model of the last simulation was the case of collision of the oil tanker and large ferry with oil spill in the Osaka Bay.



Figure 3. LAN system of the KUMM3)


4. Scenario Frame of the Incident


4.1. Roles of the participants.

25 post graduate and under graduate students from all courses at the KUMM took part as the participants, without prior information about the incidents or training, except operating knowledge of the mail system.

The role is managed as shown in table 1. Each person of the six groups plays role to cope with the disaster according to their duty and responsibility. For instance, the Maritime Safety Agency of Group 2, plays role to rescue the casualties and prevents/recovers the spilled oil. The Maritime Disaster Prevention Center of Group 3 prevents oil spill from the ship, recovers spilled oil and disposes the recovered oil. The advisers of the groups assist the participants.


Table1. Simulation role






