日本財団 図書館



A Study of Ignition Delay of Marine Fuel Oil

Containing Liquidized Waste Plastic


Takaaki HASHIMOTO*, Senichi SASAKI*, Nobuhiro BABA**



Waste plastics are supposed to be recycled in many ways. One of them must be liquidized and used as one of components of marine fuel oils.

This paper reports a study of combustion; ignition delay, maximum pressure, and time to Pmax. of the marine fuels containing two liquidized waste plastics, i.e. polyethylene and polypropylene, respectively. It seems that the liquidized waste plastics affect to the lighter class fuel, ISO-F-DMA, but do not affect to the combustion of the heavier class fuel, ISO-F-RME25.


Key Words : Marine Fuel Oil, Ignition Delay, Fuel Ignition Analyser, Liquidized Waste Plastic


Nomenclature :

CN; Cetane Number

Density @15; Density at 15 deg. C, g/cm3

KV @40 or 50; Kinematic Viscosity at 40 or 50 deg. C, mm2/s

ms; millisecond

S; Precision Index




Recycle Law or kinds are now effective through the world, e.g. it is effective April 1, 1997 in Japan, too. That waste plastic can be also a good material for recycling. But, it is said that many waste plastics have been piled up in a yard due to the lack of recycling chances. As a fact, some papers [1], [2] report the combustion studies on fuel oils containing requidized waste plastic(LWP). This paper reports a study of the ignition delay on marine fuel oils containing some portion of LWP, by applying FIA 100 (a fuel ignition analyser).


2. Pre-STUDY


Since the device, FIA 100, was not so familiar to us at the early stage, authors confirmed the ability of response of FIA 100 to six specific fuel oils, which the Cetane Number had been given by CFR test engine. (Those six fuel oil samples were prepared by National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering.) From the data shown in Table 1 and Figure 1, authors believe that the response of the device is very clear.




Authors tested marine fuel oils containing two kinds of LWP, i.e. Polyethylene(PE) and Polypropylene(PP), respectively.


* Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Research Institute 1-8-3, Ohnodai, Midori-ku, Chiba 267-0056 Japan

** Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Machinery Dept.





