One of the mechanical complexities of the GI-technology was the control oil pump as mentioned in the previous section. The control oil pump will be easily replaced by computer controlled fuel injection pump with servo piston or by the mechatronic (common rail type) gas injection system utilized for the VOC concept7).
The electronic control of the fuel injection system and exhaust valve operation means a number of advantages, which are briefly listed below, categorised in three main groups:
・Reduced fuel consumption
・Operational safety and flexibility
・Flexibility regarding exhaust gas emissions
The computer controlled system is also applied to the cylinder lubricators which ensures low cylinder lube oil consumption. In Chiba GIDE one cylinder has been provided by this lubricator since October 1999 and is now being tested with lower lube oil dosage.
The Chiba GIDE plant with a 12K80MC-GI-S engine has demonstrated very satisfactory service reliability and safety margins for 6 years. Based on the obtained service experience and the current development of intelligent engine concept, GI-technology for 2- and 4-stroke diesel engines will even be more reliable and environmental friendly. Looking at the prime mover options available today, the 2-stroke diesel engine is unrivalled as the most fuel-efficient prime mover in the power range of LNG carriers. Thus it is expected that such engines will be more widely used for propulsion of modern LNG carriers as well as for use in stationary gas-burning co-generation plants.
[1] Pedersen, P.S. et al., "Development of the world's first large-bore gas-injection engine", 21st CIMAC, Interlaken 1995, D51
[2] Fukuda, T. et al., "Safety aspect of the world's first large-bore gas injection engine", ISME Yokohama 1995
[3] Galantowicz, M. "Effect of thermal deactivation of vanadium-titanium catalyst on xylene oxidation process yielding phithalic anhydride", Catalyst Deactivation, Esevier, pp 591-595 (1994)
[4] Murakami, Y. "Mechanism and protection of catalytic deactivation", Gijutsu Joho Kyokai Co.,Ltd. (1995), ISBN4 906317-54-5 C3058
[5] "The Intelligent Engine: Development Status and Prospects", Company Publication P. 360-99.09, MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Copenhagen 1999 (14 p)
[6] Pedersen, P.S. et al., "The Intelligent Engine: Prospects and Experience from Service", ISME Tokyo 2000, T033
[7] "Utilisation of VOC in Shuttle Tankers", Company Publication P. 342-98.11, MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Copenhagen 1998 (25 p)