4.1 Soot Formation and Oxidation Model
In order to estimate the rate of net soot-formation, models proposed by Morel and Keribar [10] are used in the present analysis, which are quite similar to the ones proposed by Hiroyasu & Kadota [6], and are convenient to apply to the present two-zone model in comparison with the multistep model suggested by Kazakov & Foster [7]. The soot-formation rate (dS/dt)f is calculated using the following Eq.(1). The soot-oxidation rate (dS/dt)b using Eq.(2) and the net soot-formation rate (dS/dt)n using Eq.(3) respectively.
(dS/dt)f = A1 ・ md ・ exp(-A2/Tb) (1)
(dS/dt)b = (B1 S/psds) ・ exp(-B2/Trad) ・ √P02 (2)
(dS/dt)n = (dS/dt)f - (dS/dt) b (3)
S (kg) denotes the cumulative soot quantity. md (kg/s) is the mass rate of diffusion combustion given by the Wiebe's function [11], which is the least square curve of the experimental heat release during the diffusion combustion period.