日本財団 図書館

Room6 15:30-16:30

Session: Heat Transfer (1)

Chairpersons: M. Numano (Ship Research Institute) and H. Shiihara (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)

TS-131 Transient Phenomena Caused by Rapid Contact of High-Pressure Saturated Water with Cold Water

A. Nakamura (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), A. Saito and T. Takamasa

TS-132 Flashing-Condensation Phenomenon in Discharging of High-Pressure Saturated Water into Pool Water

T. Goto (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), A. Saito and T. Takamasa

TS-133 Waterhammer Prevention in Emergency Valve Closing of Crude Oil Unloading Equipment

K. Shiozaki (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan) and I. Aya


Room6 16:40-17:40

Session: Heat Transfer (2)

Chairpersons: T. Takamasa (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine) and M. Kojima (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine)

TS-134 The Inverse Geometry Problem in Estimating Frost Growth on an Evaporating Tube

C.C. Huang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) and C.H. Huang

TS-135 Thermal-Hydraulic Prediction for Wet Region of Economizer Using Spirally Finned Tubes

M. Osakabe (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan) and T. Itoh

TS-136 A Study on Stress Condition of Auxiliary Boiler around Feed Water Inlet

K. Naito (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan) and H. Shiihara


Room7 9:10-10:10

Session: Lubrication and Lubricants (1)

Chairpersons: G. Fleischhack (Germany) and H. Murai (ExxonMobil Marketing Services Pte. Ltd.)

TS-137 Labrication of Modem Diesel Engines <<The CIMAC View Point>>

J. E Chapuy (CIMAC) and K. C. Lim

TS-138 Developments in Two-Stroke Engine Cylinder Lubrication

R. W. Allen (Castrol Marine, Japan) and S. Yura

TS-139 Oil Film Pressure Measurement & Fatigue Evaluation of the Large Scale Diesel Engine Main Bearing under Fluctuating Load by the Test Rig

K. Yamashita (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), M. Katsumi and K. Sakaguchi


Room7 10:20-11:40

Session: Lubrication and Lubricants (2)

Chairpersons: M. Cannon (Shell International Oil Products B. V.) and O. Hanashima (Shell Marine Products Ltd.)

TS-140 Concept 2000 for Lube Oil Filtration

R. Lennartz (Boll & Kirch Filterbau GmbH, Germany)

TS-141 Relationship between the Chemistry of Overbased Detergents and of Dispersants Used in Marine Lubricants, and the Neutralization Ability Measured by NAMO Technique

J. -P. Roman (ELF Solaize Research Center, France)





