日本財団 図書館

TS-119 A Study on Detonation in the Starting Air Manifold of Diesel Engine

Y. Song (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan), H. Shiihara and S. Sasaki

TS-120 A Study on Human Factors in Engine Room

H. Shiihara (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan) and N. Sumi


Room6 10:20-11:40

Session: Safety, Reliability & Maintainability (3)

Chairpersons: Y. Hu (Mercantile Marine College) and H. Kido (Marine Technical College)

TS-121 Formal Safety Assessment (FSA): A Modem Foundation for Marine Safety

P.M. Berrefjord (DNV, Norway), B. Haugland, I. Kourmatzis, J. Spouge and R. Torhaug

TS-122 When Knowledge is Safety, and Money - the use of an engine failure database

K. Wilson (CIMAC "Engine Users" WG), J. Dragsted and N. Hansen

TS-123 Some Considerations on Dependability Models of Redundant Power Systems on Board due to the Marine Field Data in Japan

T. Hashimoto (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), H. Kido, S. Hidaka and N. Kiriya

TS-124 Reliability-Based Marine Machinery Selection: A Case Study in Main Engine Cooling Systems

K. Ishida (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), K. B. Artana and T. Hashimoto


Room6 13:00-14:00

Session: Safety, Reliability & Maintainability (4)

Chairpersons: S. Belak (Sibenik College) and T. Ono (NKK Corporation)

TS-125 A Simulation Study on Diesel Engine Performance Failure

Y. Hu (Shanghai Maritime University, China) and B. Wan

TS-126 Failure Frequency and Availability of 3-out-of-4: G Warm Standby System with Nonidentical Components

T. Zhang (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan) K. Hiranuma, Y. Sato and M. Horigome

TS-127 Maintenance Analysis due to Fault Diagnosis Success Ratio

K. Ishige (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan) and M. Horigome


Room6 14:10-15:10

Session: Safety, Reliability & Maintainability (5)

Chairpersons: Y. Okumura (NYK Line) and N. Tsutsumi (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.)

TS-128 Assessment of Stability in Damaged Condition for a Ship with a Novel Arrangement of Internal Spaces

M. K. Gerigk (Technical University of Gdansk, Poland) and Y. Yoshida

TS-129 Failure Rate Analysis of 1000 HP Main Engines Installed on Small General Cargo Ships: A Proof of Wear-Out Period of Installed Main Engines

A. A. Masroeri (Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia), D. Priyanta and K. B. Artana






