日本財団 図書館

3. Self-conceit will prevent progress


It is without mentioning that the way to the progress is only made through training in the techniques as a basis. The advanced trainees are second to nobody in their mentality, technique and the effort in training, however, one has always to be careful about the self-conceit.


There are many arts in the society, and in each art, strenious study, effort and strong will are required to succeed, to excel others. You have to look always forward for the prosperous future, holding the goals high and not to hover in the present state.


4. Technical suggestion to vocalization


a) Not to let the sounds end in vague whisper

I have attended several overseas conferences of laryngectomees to discuss the matters on the esophageal speech. I was impressed to the good articulation and elocution of their speech as a whole although they speak in low tones.





