日本財団 図書館

i) Close your lips, inhale through the tracheostoma, and expand the abdomen as much as possible (upper illustration, Figure 5). Be careful not to move your chest. You can ascertain this by feeling with your hand on your chest.


ii) Expel air slowly, simultaneously pushing the abdomen up with the right hand (lower illustration, Figure 5). Again, be careful not to move your chest.


iii) Lie on your left side, bend your knees slightly, put your hands on the chest and abdomen as before, and repeat the above actions. Then, lie on your right side and repeat these actions.


iv) Try further practice as follows:


・ Sit on a chair without a back, straighten your back, and repeat the breathing explained in i) and ii), above.

・ Stand and repeat abdominal respiration.

・ Practice as you walk, taking two steps in inhalation and four steps in exhalation.

・ Practice while going up and down stairs.

・ Last of all, lie on your back and raise only the upper body with abdominal respiration to strengthen your abdominal muscles.





