The following abbreviations are used:Valued Ecosystem Component - VEC; Dynamic Environmental Atlas - DEA; Impact Factor - IF.
a) In the beginning was the natural environment...In a selected area of the NSR, some VECs are common at certain periods of the year. The relevant type of data (in this example on Ivory gull) is stored in the DEA data-base and standard routines are developed for compilation of key information on maps and tables.

b) Ships of the NSR fleet navigate the selected waters regularly. The spatial navigation pattern is applied to the environment in terms of historical sailing routes. The navigation however represents a certain level of physical disturbance and noise, two types of IFs to the VEC. The spatial range of the IF, in terms of the area that may be influenced by noise, are calculated and applied to the routes by tailored buffer-routines.

c) By joining the area affected and the Ivory gull distribution, the intersections between the IF and VEC abundance can be identified and the fraction of the populations affected can be calculated.

d) On the basis of the VEC distribution (3-16a), the range of the IF (3-16b) and the vulnerability to the IF, algorithms are developed to aggregate this information on a grid level i.e. counting the fractions affected within each cell. The aggregated results are the non-dimensional PIL indices (none, low, medium, high), indicating the potential impact level.

図4.5-6 環境評価の事例
4.5.5 環境関連法規
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