日本財団 図書館

2. The Commissioned Judges shall participate in the inquiry of the case for which the inquiry of the causes is deemed to be especially difficult.

3. The duty and authority concerning the inquiry proceedings of a Commissioned Judge who participates in an inquiry shall be the same as those of the Judges other than the presiding Judge.

(Commissioner's Office)

Article 14-2. There shall be a Marine Accidents Inquiry Commissioner's Office in the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

2. The Marine Accidents Inquiry Commissioner's Office shall exercise control over all the business handled by the Commissioners.

3. The name, location and internal organization of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Commissioner's Office shall be prescribed by a Ministry of Transport Ordinance.

(Instance of Inquiry)

Article 15. A Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall conduct inquiries in the first instance, and the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall conduct inquiries in the second instance.


Article 16. The Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall conduct a inquiry through a collegiate court of three (3) Judges. However, with respect to simple case, the Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall conduct an inquiry through single (1) Judge on the request of the Commissioner as provided for by order.

2. The request mentioned in the proviso of paragraph 1 shall not be made without the consent of the Examinee.

3. The High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall conduct an inquiry through a collegiate court of five (5) Judges.




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