日本財団 図書館

4. The name, location, function and internal organization of the Branch mentioned in paragraph 3, shall be prescribed by a Ministry of Transport Ordinance.

(Director General, Chief and Chief of Branch)

Article 9-2 There shall be a Chief in each Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency and a Director General in the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

2. The Director General of the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall be appointed by the Minister for Transport from among the persons who has the career of a Judge or a Commissioner of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

3. The Chief of each Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency, shall be appointed by the Director General of the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency from among the Judges of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

4. In the Branch of Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency, mentioned in Article 9, paragraph 3, there shall be a Chief appointed by the Director General of the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency from among the Judges of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

(Judges, Commissioners and Secretaries)

Article 10. There shall be the Judges, Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners and the Secretaries of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency in the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

2. The Commissioners (Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency; hereinafter the same) shall administer the request for inquiry, the investigation of marine accidents concerning thereto and the execution of judgement. However, Assistant Commissioners, which is concerned in the request for inquiry, may perform their duties only when the case is inquired by single (1) Judge of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency as provided for Article 16, the proviso of paragraph 1.

3. The Secretaries of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall, by order of superiors, administer the affairs of the Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.




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