日本財団 図書館

4. Hints for Tourism Based Community Development Efforts


Once you have gone over the checklist, you can focus on the specific issues to promote tourism based community development in your locality. The following pages introduce key words and examples of pioneering projects. Use them as hints in coming up with measures that meet your unique needs.


1) Arousing enthusiasm for community development


(1) Basic policy: Creating organizations to serve as the base for activities


。絎easure。膠romotion of community development activities

To create or foster organizations to serve as the base for activities, it recommended that you expand on community development efforts by non-political groups or junior chamber of commerce. Enthusiasm can be fostered through trusts, groundwork and other movements.

Efforts should also be made to encourage participation of various organizations by forming federative associations, promoting various movements and improving facilities that serve as activity centers.






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