【歯牙】Dental problems
In describing dental problems, it is necessary to specify the tooth. This is done using the following diagram. The diagram shows a frontal view of the inside of the patient's mouth, with a cross drawn between the rows of teeth. This cross separates the rows of teeth into left and right and upper and lower. The tooth closest to the center in each of the four rows, called the central incisor(first incisor), is labeled 1. The other teeth are labeled 2, 3, 4 etc., counting out ward from the center. The tooth that is furthest back in each row is number 8. The total number of teeth an adult has is 32. In order, the names of the teech are:
1:中切歯 Central incisor
2:側切歯 Lateral incisor
3:犬歯 Canine
4:第1小臼歯 First bicuspid
5:第2小臼歯 Second bicuspid
6:第1大臼歯 First molar
7:第2大臼歯 Second molar
8:第3大臼歯 Third molar
Since the individual names of the teeth tend to be long, they can be written as "upper left 6" or "lower right 8," etc. What is denoted as left and right are from the patient's point of view. Up to now the most common causes of tooth pain have been gingivitis caused by tooth decay, periodontitis and pyorrhea alveolaris.