III. Chemical burns
Acid burns cause relatively few deep injuries but produce persistent severe pain. Alkali burns are wet and slimy with deep injuries and persistent intense pain. It is important to thoroughly wash out chemicals remaining in the tissue because they lead to extended tissue injury.
IV. Items that are part of the notification to a medical facility
1. Age
2. Cause of burns(hot water, oil, heater, fire, explosion)
3. Site of burns
4. Extent of burns(as specifically as possible)
5. Severity of burns(presence or absence of blisters, size, color of the burn site)
6. Possibility of inhalation burns(hot air, vapor, smoke, etc. are inhaled; hairs of the nostrils are burnt; presence or absence of soot in the mouth)
7. Kind and name of the chemical for chemical burns
Extent of Burns and Their Severity
50% or more of body surface area: life-threatening
30% or more of body surface area: severe
10% or less of body surface area: mild