日本財団 図書館



Article 252-17.

Except as otherwise specified by law, the chief executive or commissions or commissioners of an ordinary local public body may request the chief executive or commissions or commissioners of another ordinary local public body to detail a person in its service thereto, if such detail is found specifically necessary for the performance of the affairs of the ordinary local public body.



If a commission or commissioner intends to request the detail, or comply with the request for detail under the preceding paragraph, the chief executive shall be consulted with in advance.



The person detailed upon request under paragraph 1 shall concurrently hold the status in the service of the ordinary local public body to which detailed. His/Her salary, allowances (exclusive of retirement allowance) and travel expenses shall be borne by the ordinary local public body to which detailed, and his/her retirement allowance and retirement annuity or lump sum shall be borne by the ordinary local public body detailing him/her.



Except as provided in the preceding paragraph, to the personnel administration of a person detailed under paragraph 1 shall be applicable the provisions of law concerning the personnel of the ordinary local public body which has detailed him/her. However, special provisions may be made by cabinet order to the extent not in conflict with the purport of such law.


Section IV. Special Exceptions regarding Delegation of Functions according to Bylaw


(Special Exceptions regarding Delegation of functions according to Bylaw)


Article 252-17-2.

The To, Do, Fu or Ken may, in accordance with bylaw, delegate to a city, town or village a portion of the functions within the competence of the governor of the To, Do, Fu, or Ken. In such case, the functions to be performed by the said city, town or village shall be managed and executed by the mayor of the said city, town or village.





