日本財団 図書館


If it is recognised that there is no prospect of settlement through arbitration, the arbitrators may break off arbitration and make public the substance of the dispute and the progress of the arbitration.



When arbitration is broken off in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the arbitrators shall notify the concerned parties of the same.



The arbitration under paragraph 1 shall be deemed concluded when written acceptances of the arbitration proposal have been received from all the parties concerned by the Minister for Home Affairs or the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken. In such case, the Minister for Home Affairs or governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken shall immediately give public notice of the same and of the purport of the arbitration. They shall also notify the parties concerned that the arbitration has been concluded.



When documents have been submitted by the parties concerned in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Minister for Home Affairs or the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken shall notify the arbitrators of the same.



The arbitrators may, when it is considered necessary for the drawing up of the proposal for arbitration as stipulated in paragraph 3, request the attendance or testimony of the parties concerned and of other parties involved, and may also request from the parties concerned, other parties involved and others connected to matters relating to the dispute, to submit records necessary for the arbitration.



Decisions relating to the drafting of the proposal for arbitration and the public announcement of the same in accordance with paragraph 3, decisions relating to the breaking off of an arbitration and the public announcement of the substance of the dispute and the progress of the arbitration in accordance with paragraph 5 and decisions relating to requests for attendance, depositions or the submission of records in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall be made through the mutual consent of the arbitrators.


(Investigation and Recommendations)


Article 251-3.

When the mayor or other executive organ of a city, town or village that is dissatisfied with a demand for rectification, refusal of permission, other treatment or exercise of civil rights constituting intervention by the To, Do, Fu or Ken (with the exception of the matters listed below) has made a written application for an investigation by local dispute arbitrators, the Minister for Home Affairs shall appoint local dispute arbitrators immediately in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 251 and refer the matters relating to the said application to investigation:





