日本財団 図書館


In carrying out the investigation, the Commission shall give the chief executive or other executive organ of the ordinary local public body which has applied for investigation into involvement by the state, the administrative agency of the state under investigation and the participating administrative agency the opportunity to submit evidence and make a statement.


(Withdrawal of Application for Investigation into Involvement by the State)


Article 250-17.

The chief executive or other executive organ of the ordinary local public body which has applied for investigation into involvement by the state may withdraw the said application for investigation into involvement by the state at any time before the notification of the results of the investigation or the issuing of the recommendation in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 4 of article 250-14, or conclusion of arbitration in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 250-19.



The withdrawal of an application for investigation into involvement by the state shall be made in writing.


(Measures etc. by administrative agency of the state)


Article 250-18.

When a recommendation has been made by the Commission in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 3 of article 250-14, the administrative agency of the state receiving the said recommendation must, within the time limit indicated in the said recommendation, take necessary measures in line with the recommendation and notify the Commission to such effect. When this is done, the Commission must inform the chief executive or other executive organ of the ordinary local public body which made the application for investigation leading to the said recommendation, of matters relating to the said notification, and shall also make the same public.



The Commission may request the administrative agency of the state receiving the recommendation mentioned in the previous paragraph to explain the measures taken in accordance with the same paragraph.




Article 250-19.

When an application for investigation into involvement by the state has been made and it is deemed appropriate, the Commission may, through its official authority, draw up an arbitration proposal and set forth the same to the chief executive or other executive organ of the ordinary local public body which has applied for investigation into involvement by the state and to the administrative agency of the state under investigation, and may make the purport of the same public, stating reasons.





