日本財団 図書館

(Recommendation to Rectify)


Article 245-6.

In the event that the handling of the following Self-government functions of a city, town or village is deemed to be in violation of legal stipulations, or is markedly inappropriate so as to clearly impair the public interest, the following executive organs of the To, Do, Fu or Ken may recommend that the said city, town or village rectify the violation or take the necessary steps for improvement with regard to the handling of the said affairs.

(1) The governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken Self-government functions under the charge of the mayor or other executive organs of a city, town or village (with the exception of the Board of Education and the election administrative committee)

(2) The Board of Education of the To, Do, Fu or Ken Self-government functions under the charge of the Board of Education of the city, town or village

(3) The election administrative committee of the To, Do, Fu or Ken Self-government functions under the charge of the election administrative committee of the city, town or village.


(Direction to Rectify)


Article 245-7.

In the event the handling of Statutory entrusted functions covered by law or cabinet orders founded in law by the To, Do, Fu or Ken, is deemed to be in violation of legal stipulations or markedly inappropriate so as to clearly impair the public interest, a Minister may, with respect to matters under his or her charge, give the said To, Do, Fu or Ken necessary directions regarding rectification of the said violation or the taking of steps for improvement.



In the event the handling of the following Statutory entrusted functions by a city, town or village is deemed to be in violation of legal stipulations or markedly inappropriate so as to clearly impair the public interest, the following executive organs of the To, Do, Fu or Ken may give the said city, town or village necessary directions regarding rectification of the said violation or the taking of steps for improvement.

(1) The governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken Statutory entrusted functions under the charge of the mayor or other executive organs of the city, town or village (with the exception of the Board of Education and the election administrative committee)

(2) The Board of Education of the To, Do, Fu or Ken Statutory entrusted functions under the charge of the Board of Education of the city, town or village.





