日本財団 図書館



Article 189.

The commission may not open the meeting unless three or more members are present.



The chairman or any other member shall be barred from participation in deliberations upon such affairs as may directly affect himself/herself or his/her parents, grandparents, spouse, children, grandchildren or brothers and sisters, or as may directly affect the business in which he/she himself/herself or such persons are engaged. However he/she may present himself/herself to speak at the meeting if approved by the commission.



If the quorum prescribed in paragraph 1 is not met on account of absence of certain members barred by the preceding paragraph, the chairman shall temporarily fill the seats of such barred members with reserve members not involved in the affair, in the order prescribed in paragraph 3 of Article 182. This article shall be also applicable, where the quorum is not met on account of absence of certain members who are unable to serve for other reasons.




Article 190.

All matters shall be decided in the commission by a majority of members present. In case of a tie, the chairman shall decide the issue.


(Chief Clerk, etc.)


Article 191.

There shall be a chief clerk, clerks and other employees in each election administration commission of To, Do, Fu or Ken or cities, and clerks and other employees in each election administration commission of towns or villages.



The number of clerks and other full-time employees shall be fixed by bylaw, except those employed temporarily.



The chief clerk, under the direction of the chairman, and clerks and other employees or employees serving under Article 180-3, under the direction of their respective superiors, shall be engaged in the affairs of the commission.


Article 192.





Article 193.

The provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 127, paragraph 1 of Article 141 and paragraph 1 of Article 166 shall apply mutatis mutandis to members of the election administration commission; the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 153, Article 154 and Article 159 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the chairman of the commission; and the provisions of paragraph 2 and 4 of Article 172 shall apply mutatis mutandis to chief clerks, clerks and other employees of the commission.





