日本財団 図書館


The commission shall put such petition to a vote of the electorate.



The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 74 and Articles 74-2 to 74-4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


(Result of Vote)


Article 77.

As soon as the vote of dissolution is opened, the election administration commission shall convey the result thereof to the representative of petitioners and to the president of the assembly, and make it public, and shall report thereon to the governor of To, Do, Fu or Ken, in case the dissolution of the assembly of To, Do, Fu or Ken is involved, or to the mayor of the city, town or village, in case that of the assembly of a city, town or village is involved. The commission shall do the same, when such result of the vote has become final.




Article 78.

The assembly shall be dissolved, if so demanded by a majority vote.


(Limitation on Dissolution Petition)


Article 79.

No petition for dissolution may be presented within one year after a general election was held or after such petition was previously put to a vote under paragraph 3 of Article 76.




Article 80.

One-third or more of the electorate of an electoral district may, under joint signature and through their representative, present a petition, in accordance with cabinet order, to the election administration commission demanding the removal from office of any member of the assembly elected therefrom. If he/she has been elected at large, one-third or more of the total electors may present such a petition.



When a petition has been presented under the preceding paragraph, the commission shall make public the purport of the petition within the area concerned.



The commission shall put such petition to a vote of the electors of the electoral district, or the total electors, as the case may be.



The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 74 and Article 74-2 to 74-4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.





